"The financial commission and the finance law". Subject question on finance public, université de douala
This question is related to the Finance commission or committee
I- Thé finance Committee: An indispensable actor in the political control of finance law
A- During the adoption of the finance law
1- examination of the finance bill
2- ammenment of the finance law
B- During the execution of the finance law
1- the verification of the respect of budgetary authorization by the agents of execution
2- the on-spot control of documents
II- Limits to the power of the finance Committee
A- The legal and technical limits
1- legal limitations of the power of ammenment
2- Technical limitations
B- Political Limitations
A- Domain of application of the power of the finance Committee
1- in the initial finance law
2- regulatory finance law
3- rectificative finance law
B- control mechanisms
1-on-the-spot control
2- discussion / oral questions
II- Obstacles to the control of the finance law by the finance Committee.
A-The constitutional and legislative restrictions of the power of ammenment
1- constitutional restriction ( art 23(2) )
2- legislative restriction ( art 44 of the 2007 finance law)
B- Technical and political Obstacles
1- technical
2- political
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